XII - Edition 2008
XII School of Pure and Applied Biophysics
The ever changing world of (hemo)globins
Venice, - Campo Santo Stefano, January 28 - February 1, 2008
Organised by:
SIBPA - Società Italiana di Biofisica Pura e Applicata
IVSLA - Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti
Scientific Coordinators
- Giovanni Giacometti (IVSLA and University of Padua)
- Giovanni Felice Azzone (IVSLA and University of Padova)
- Martino Bolognesi (University of Milano)
- Maurizio Brunori (University La Sapienza, Rome)
- Cristiano Viappiani (University of Parma)
Director of the School
Giorgio M. Giacometti (IVSLA and University of Padua)
E-mail: gcometti(at)bio.unipd.it
School overview and definitive program
- Downloading definitive program and Abstract
The School promotes deepening of biophysical topics selected in the area of contemporary research. The selected subjects will draw young researcher's attention on themes of frontier research which are considered of relevant scientific and educational impact.
The School will be held in the magnificent Palazzo Franchetti, in the historical centre of Venice, seat of the Istituto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti.
The School, in its twelfth year of activity, will be on:
and will deal with the following topics:
- New hemoglobins: protoglobins, flavohemoglobins, truncated hemoglobins, cytoglobin, neuroglobin, plant hemoglobins
- Mechanistic analysis and modelling: structural dynamics (spectroscopy and time resolved crystallography), allostery in hemoglobins, modelling ligand diffusion and protein dynamics, function of hemoglobins in the crystal state, kinetic investigations on hemoglobins
- Molecular dynamics: MD in truncated Hbs, MD in myoglobin
- Biotechnological applications
List of confirmed lecturers:
- New hemoglobins
- Protoglobins Martino Bolognesi, Università di Milano
- Flavohemoglobins, Alberto Boffi, Università La Sapienza, Roma
- Truncated hemoglobins Martino Bolognesi, Università di Milano
- Cytoglobin Sylvia Dewilde, University of Antwerp, Belgium
- Neuroglobin Beatrice Vallone, Università La Sapienza, Roma
- Plant hemoglobins Paola Dominici, Università di Verona
- Mechanistic analysis and modelling
- Structural dynamics (spectroscopy and time resolved crystallography) Maurizio Brunori, Università La Sapienza, Roma
- Allostery in hemoglobins W.A. Eaton, NIH, Bethesda, USA
- Modelling ligand diffusion and protein dynamics, Noam Agmon, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
- Molecular dynamics
- MD in truncated Hbs Dario Estrin, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
- MD in myoglobin Alfredo Di Nola, Università La Sapienza, Roma
- Experimental approaches
- Function of hemoglobins in the crystal state (microspectrophotometry), Stefano Bruno, Università di Parma
- Kinetic investigations on hexacoordinate hemoglobins, Cristiano Viappiani, Università di Parma
- Biotechnological applications
- Blood substitutes Andrea Mozzarelli, Università di Parma
The number of students admitted is restricted to 30.
The participation fee is 250 Euros which includes five nights accommodation and attendance at the lessons. The participation fee is reduced to 100 Euros in case the attendant does not need accommodation.
The school will take place only if a minimum number of participants is reached.
Pre-registration must be submitted on line using the following application form by 1 November 2007.
Applicants are admitted to the School by the Scientific Committee based on the information provided on the application form (short curriculum).
The results of the selection will be individually communicated by e-mail (or phone) not later than 15 November 2007.
Payment of the partecipation fee must be performed not later than 1 December 2007. Applications are encouraged from all young scientists (PhD students and post doctorals) interested in the topics of the school.
This year the school is co-sponsored by: LOT Oriel Italia
Bruker Optics Italia
Applied Photophysics
Further information can be obtained from
Cristiano Viappiani
Dept. of Physics
University of Parma
Parco area delle scienze 7A
43100 Parma - ITALY
Phone: +39 0521 905208
Fax: +39 0521 905223
E-mail: cristiano.viappiani(at)fis.unipr.it
and from the director of the school:
Giorgio M. Giacometti
Dept. of Biology
University of Padova
Viale G. Colombo, 3
35131 Padova - ITALY
Phone: +39 049 8276326
Fax: +39 049 8276300
E-mail: gcometti(at)bio.unipd.it