SAVE THE DATE : GEM IX : International Congress of French Group of membrane studies

5-8 Nov 2017 Roscoff (France)


Dear All,
It is a great pleasure to announce the 19th congress organized by the French membrane group associated with our biophysicist colleagues from Gembloux (Belgium).
The meeting will be held on November,  5-8, 2017 in Roscoff, a beautiful city located on the French Britany, (North-Ouest cost).

The GEM XIX, international meeting, will be dedicated to the Biophysics of Protein-Membrane Interactions in system models or in cells, from animal to plant organisms. We expect to bring together both young and senor scientists and favor discussions and exchanges to initiate new networks. Call for abstract soumission is opened in the web site
We look forward  to seeing you in Roscoff.

On behalf of the International Organizing Committee,
Dr Véronique Vié,
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