VI School of Pure and Applied Biophysics
Interaction beetween Macromolecules & Solvent: Simulation & Experimantal Approaches

Venice, - January 28 - February 2, 2002
Organised by:
SIBPA - Società Italiana di Biofisica Pura e Applicata
IVSLA - Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti
With the financial support of CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)
Scientific Commitee
- Giovanni Felice Azzone (Padova), Giovanni Giacometti (Padova)
- Luigi Bubacco (Padova), Maurizio Leone (Palermo), Mariano Beltramini (Padova)
Director of the School
Aim of the school and preliminary program
The School promotes deepening of biophysical topics selected in the area of contemporary research. The selected subjects will draw young researcher's attention on themes of frontier research which are considered of relevant scientific and educational impact.The School will be held in the magnificent Palazzo Loredan, in the historical centre of Venice, seat of the Istituto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti.
The School, in its sixth year of activity, will be on:

and will deal with the following topics:
- Use of ab initio methods to model water/protein interactions
- Solvent induced forces in protein solutions
- Applications of MD to biological macromolecules
- The Poisson-Boltzmann equation for biomolecular electrostatics: a tool for structural biology
- Computational methods for the analysis of protein-protein interaction
- The interaction of structure, dynamics and function in proteins
- Protein dynamics and reactivity in glassy and sol-gel matrices
- Internal dynamics of proteins embedded in highly viscous or solid water-trehalose matrices
- Protein-water interactions in metalloproteins: experimental measurements and computational simulations
The lectures will be given by
- BANCI LUCIA - University of Florence, Italy
- BOFFI ALBERTO - University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy
- CARLONI PAOLO - SISSA, Trieste, Italy
- CICCOTTI GIOVANNI - University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy
- CORDONE LORENZO - University of Palermo, Italy
- FOGOLARI FEDERICO - University of Verona, Italy
- FRIEDMAN JOEL M. - Department of Physiology and Biophysics, A.E.C.O.M. Yeshiva University, New York ,USA
- HELMER CITTERICH MANUELA - University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy
- PALMA MASSIMO UGO - University of Palermo, Italy
- PALMA VITTORELLI MARIA BEATRICE - University of Palermo, Italy
- PARAK FRITZ - Technischen Universität München, Germany
Here you can see the definitive program.
The number of student admitted is restricted to 30. The participation is free and lodging facility is offered by the school organization.
Applications must be submitted on line by the following application form. The deadline for the submission is January 7, 2002.
Applicants are admitted to the school by the Scientific Committee based on the information provided on the application form (short curriculum).
The results of the selection will be communicated by e-mail within January 15, 2001.
Applications are encouraged from all young scientists (PhD students and post doctorals) interested in the topics of the school.
Further information can be obtained from the organisers of the school:
Dr. Luigi Bubacco Dept. of Biology University of Padova Viale G. Colombo, 3 35131 Padova - ITALY Phone: +39 (049) 827-6346 Fax: +39 (049) 827-6300 E-mail:
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Dr. Maurizio Leone Dept. of Physical and Astronomical Sciences University of Palermo Via Archirafi 36 90123 Palermo – ITALY Phone: +39 (091) 623-4216 Fax: +39 (091) 616-2461 E-mail:
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Dr. Mariano Beltramini Dept. of Biology University of Padova Viale G. Colombo, 3 35131 Padova - ITALY Phone: +39 (049) 827-6337 Fax: +39 (049) 827-6300 E-mail:
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