SIBPA - Società Italiana di Biofisica Pura e Applicata
IVSLA - Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti
XXIV School of Pure and Applied Biophysics
"Applications of X-rays and Neutron Scattering in Biology"
Venice, - Palazzo Franchetti (S. Marco, 2847)
27-31 January, 2020
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Flyer |
Scattering techniques based on X-rays and neutrons have proven to be two of the most powerful techniques for studying biological structures. At the interface between Biology, Physics and Chemistry, the school will survey recent advances of X-rays and neutrons techniques to probe the properties of biological structures, from both static and dynamic view-point. Combining theoretical and application lectures, the school will introduce the following topics: The physics of scattering, Neutron production and neutron facilities, X-ray production and X-ray facilities, Reflectometry, Small-angle Scattering, Crystal and powder diffraction, Inelastic scattering, X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS), Imaging, XFEL in biology. Of note, in addition to lectures, a visit to the ELETTRA synchrotron in Trieste will allow students to perform practical activities in state-of-art instruments.
Registration and Fees
The school will last 5 days, from Monday morning (expected arrival Sunday evening) to Friday morning. The full school registration package includes the conference material, 5 lunches, all coffee breaks and the accommodation for 5 nights. All the students will be hosted in the same Hotel, to facilitate interaction and networking. Full participation fee is 500€ (450€ for SIBPA members). In case you are not staying overnight in Venice or you are interested in finding a different accommodation, the “subscription only fee” is reduced to €250.
EBSA offers 5 fellowships (covering registration and fees): eligible applicants are PhD students registered in the EU area and Postdoctoral fellows working in the EU area. The bursaries can only support people working outside Italy.
If you are interested in the school, REGISTER HERE
The new deadline is set on 16 December.
Co-Organized By
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Scientific Coordinators:
Director of the Schools