XXIII - Edition 2019

SIBPA - Società Italiana di Biofisica Pura e Applicata

IVSLA - Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti



XXIII School of Pure and Applied Biophysics


"Emerging Tools in Biomechanics:

from tissues down to single molecules"



Venice, - Palazzo Franchetti (S. Marco, 2847)

4-8 February, 2019

Definitive program available here
The students corner: elevator pitch
How to reach the venue and logistics information



Mechanical properties have a key role in biological processes. At the interface between biology, physics, and mechanics the school will survey recent advances and the emerging techniques able to probe mechanical properties of biological material. Combining lectures, application talks and hands-on training, the school will introduce the topic at different length scales, from molecular and sub-cellular approaches (Atomic Force Microscopy, Acoustic Force Spectroscopy), to single cells (Brillouin microspectroscopy, MEMS) also extending towards multicellular organization and tissues (nanoindentation, ultrasonic micro-elastography). Theoretical lessons will be complemented with in silico tutorials (image and data analysis) and experimental activities.




Hands-on sessions

World leading companies will provide access to unique state of the art instrumentation to perform practical activities during the school.




Registration and Fees

The school will last 5 days, from Monday morning (expected arrival Sunday evening) to Friday morning. The full school registration package includes the conference material, 5 lunches, all coffee breaks and the accommodation for 5 nights. All the students will be hosted in the same Hotel, to facilitate interaction and networking. Full participation fee is 500€ (450 for SIBPA members). In case you are not staying overnight in Venice or you are interested in finding a different accommodation, the “subscription only fee” is reduced to €250.


If you are interested in the school, REGISTER HERE. Deadline December 8th 2018


Financial Support

The school is endorsed by the COST action ARBRE-Mobieu, the COST action BioBrillouin and the International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics who will provide financial support for up to 20 early registered students. If you are interested in this option, please follow the instructions in the registration form.




Organizing Committee


Director of the Schools


Further information can be obtained from the Scientific Coordinators



