SIBPA - Società Italiana di Biofisica Pura e Applicata
IVSLA - Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti
XXII School of Pure and Applied Biophysics
"Intracellular ion channels and transporters in plant and animal cells"

Venice, - Palazzo Franchetti (S. Marco, 2847)
15-19 January, 2018
Organised by:
SIBPA - Società Italiana di Biofisica Pura e Applicata
IVSLA - Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti
Director of the School:
- Armando Carpaneto - CNR Genoa (Italy) - E-mail: armando.carpaneto[at]
- Giorgio M. Giacometti (IVSLA and University of Padua) - E-mail: gcometti[at]
Scientific Committee:
- Armando Carpaneto - CNR Genoa (Italy)
- Anna Boccaccio - CNR Genoa (Italy)
- Joachim Scholz-Starke - CNR Genoa (Italy)
- Giorgio Giacometti - IVSLA and University of Padova (Italy)
Organising Committee:
- Elisabetta Vallarino - CNR Genoa (Italy)
- Michela La Ferla - CNR Genoa (Italy)
- Laura Padoan - IVSLA Venice (Italy)
- Francesco Impallari - CNR Palermo (Italy) - Website, online help.
School overview and provisional program:
Contacts for Registration:
- Armando Carpaneto - armando.carpaneto[at]
- Elisabetta Vallarino - elisabetta.vallarino[at]