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La SIBPA bandisce n. 3 (tre) Borse di Studio per partecipare al "BPS2025 in Los Angeles, California”. February 15-19, 2025.
Scarica bando |
La SIBPA bandisce n. 2 (due) Borse di Studio per partecipare al "Biophysical Society 66th Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California”. February 19-23, 2022.
Scarica bando |
La SIBPA bandisce n. 5 (cinque) Borse di Studio per partecipare al "Biophysical Society Virtual Annual Meeting”. February 22-26, 2021. |
3Brain (www.3brain.com) is looking for a full-time sales representative for its office in Genova, Italy. The candidate will focus on the European market and will provide support to 3Brain’s distributors in other areas. | |
La SIBPA bandisce n. 2 (due) Borse di Studio per partecipare al convegno Nanoengineering for Mechanobiology, Camogli (GE) 22-25 Marzo 2020. |
Avviso di una posizione postdoc presso l’Università di Manchester | |
Postdoctoral position in Biophysics - The Finzi-Dunlap lab at Emory University | |
Bandi di assegni di ricerca disponibili in ambito biofisico. [Link1] - [Link2] | |
SIBPA bandisce n.6 (sei) Borse di Studio per partecipare al Joint 12th EBSA - 10th ICBP-IUPAP Biophysics Congress | |
The laboratory of bio nano science and technologies in Trento (LaBSSAH) is seeking a junior scientist in biotechnology for a two years position in an interdisciplinary research group carrying out collaborative research that includes several fields of sciences such as biological sciences, physics, chemistry, material sciences. [Link] |
Pubblicato bando - per un posto di Ricercatore TD di tipo B, Settore concorsuale: 02/D1, settore scientifico-disciplinare FIS/07- Fisica Applicata a Beni Culturali, Biologia, Medicina, presso il Dipartimento DEB - Università della Tuscia, I-01100 VITERBO. [Link] |
Three-year postdoctoral fellowship on "Protein self-assembly and aggregation for biomaterials" available from December 1st, 2018 or soon thereafter at the Department of Pharmacy at the University of Copenhagen (KU) in Denmark. [Link] |
The Department of Pharmacyis offering a three-year PhD fellowship in "Protein self-assembly and aggregation for biomaterials". [Link] | |
[Ebsa] Post doc position in plasmonics and vibrational spectroscopies: The reaction mechanism of proteins studied in nanopores (Strasbourg) | |
PhD position available: Building DNA directed protein nano-structures | |
2-year Postdoc position in biophysics at Umeå University, Sweden | |
Si segnala bando per 9 borse di studio per laureati con residenza in Sicilia (scadenza 9 Febbraio) presso la sede di Palermo dell'Istituto di Biofisica (CNR). |
Si segnala una posizione aperta presso l'Istituto di Nanofisica dell'Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Genova) | |
Postdoctoral position - at the Department of Biosciences of the University of Milan, Italy | |
Si segnalano due posizioni aperte presso la start up Immagina Biotechnology s.r.l., presso il Laboratory for Biomolecular Sequence and Structure Analysis for Health – FBK – Trento: |
3brain seeks for a sales representative
3Brain, an international company developing, manufacturing, and distributing high-quality instruments based on high-resolution CMOS multi-electrode array (CMOS-MEA) for in vitro electrophysiology, is looking for a full-time sales representative to reinforce its sales department. |
Two PhD positions availableat the Physics Department of the University of Trento, Italy under the European Research Council project "Variable resolution algorithms for macromolecular simulations" - VARIAMOLS by Dr. Raffaello Potestio |