Job and Funding Opportunities


La SIBPA bandisce n. 3 (tre) Borse di Studio per partecipare al "BPS2025 in Los Angeles, California”. February 15-19, 2025.


Scarica bando





La SIBPA bandisce n. 2 (due) Borse di Studio per partecipare al "Biophysical Society 66th Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California”. February 19-23, 2022.


Scarica bando


La SIBPA bandisce n. 5 (cinque) Borse di Studio per partecipare al "Biophysical Society Virtual Annual Meeting”. February 22-26, 2021.

  3Brain ( is looking for a full-time sales representative for its office in Genova, Italy. The candidate will focus on the European market and will provide support to 3Brain’s distributors in other areas.

La SIBPA bandisce n. 2 (due) Borse di Studio per partecipare al convegno Nanoengineering for Mechanobiology, Camogli (GE) 22-25 Marzo 2020.

  Avviso di una posizione postdoc presso l’Università di Manchester
   Postdoctoral position in Biophysics - The Finzi-Dunlap lab at Emory University
  Bandi di assegni di ricerca disponibili in ambito biofisico. [Link1] - [Link2]
  SIBPA bandisce n.6 (sei) Borse di Studio per partecipare al Joint 12th EBSA - 10th ICBP-IUPAP Biophysics Congress

The laboratory of bio nano science and technologies in Trento (LaBSSAH) is seeking a junior scientist in biotechnology for a two years position in an interdisciplinary research group carrying out collaborative research that includes several fields of sciences such as biological sciences, physics, chemistry, material sciences. [Link]


Pubblicato bando - per un posto di Ricercatore TD di tipo B, Settore concorsuale: 02/D1, settore scientifico-disciplinare FIS/07- Fisica Applicata a Beni Culturali, Biologia, Medicina, presso il Dipartimento DEB - Università della Tuscia,  I-01100 VITERBO. [Link]

  Three-year postdoctoral fellowship on "Protein self-assembly and aggregation for biomaterials" available from December 1st, 2018 or soon thereafter at the Department of Pharmacy at the University of Copenhagen (KU) in Denmark. [Link]
  The Department of Pharmacyis offering a three-year PhD fellowship in "Protein self-assembly and aggregation for biomaterials". [Link]
  [Ebsa] Post doc position in plasmonics and vibrational spectroscopies: The reaction mechanism of proteins studied in nanopores (Strasbourg)
  PhD position available: Building DNA directed protein nano-structures
  2-year Postdoc position in biophysics at Umeå University, Sweden

Si segnala bando per 9 borse di studio per laureati con residenza in Sicilia (scadenza 9 Febbraio) presso la sede di Palermo dell'Istituto di Biofisica (CNR).
Le informazioni relative sono disponibili all'indirizzo: [Link]

   Si segnala una posizione aperta presso l'Istituto di Nanofisica dell'Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Genova)
  Postdoctoral position - at the Department of Biosciences of the University of Milan, Italy
  Si segnalano due posizioni aperte presso la start up Immagina Biotechnology s.r.l.,  presso il Laboratory for Biomolecular Sequence and Structure Analysis for Health – FBK – Trento:

3brain seeks for a sales representative


3Brain, an international company developing, manufacturing, and distributing high-quality instruments based on high-resolution CMOS multi-electrode array (CMOS-MEA) for in vitro electrophysiology, is looking for a full-time sales representative to reinforce its sales department.


Two PhD positions availableat the Physics Department of the University of Trento, Italy under the European Research Council project "Variable resolution algorithms for macromolecular simulations" - VARIAMOLS by Dr. Raffaello Potestio

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